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Thermo Stone

Basic course

Nail design base (gel, acrylgel)

4 days training €1400 inkl. US Including  2 months of follow-up care

This training is for beginners who want to know the nail design craft, the handling of gel/akrylgel and stencil extension


  • Hygiene at the customer and in the studio
  • Nail build-up
  • Form
  • Programme of work
  • Product customer
  • Extension


  • Manicure, preparation of the natural nail
  • Construction, moulds
  • Extension
  • Natural nail reinforcement
  • Colour application & nail art
  • Handling the cutter
  • File correctly

Day 1

  • Getting to know the products and working on the own hand

Day 2/3/4

  • Working on the model, natural nail reinforcement, stencil extension, nail art, construction & everything that goes with it

At the end of the training, you will receive a certificate


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Lena Nails
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